#22 Get in Shape for the Big Day (and Every Day!)

Every girl wants to look abso-freaking-lootly amazing on her wedding day. I am no different. I was a tad bit curvaceous when I got engaged. In November, I decided to make a change. One of E’s close friends (and groomsmen) is a trainer. He encouraged me to come to his gym and I decided to dive in head first.

It’s been a little over 4 months now (I was shedding for the wedding before it was a show!) I’m down 23 pounds (and just a couple teeny pounds from my goal weight)! It hasn’t been easy, but I wanted to share a few things I’ve learned.

  1. There is no trick. There is no pill or hollywood diet or magical super-fruit that is going to make you drop weight for your wedding (no matter what those ads on your Facebook page say.) If you really want to lose the weight and keep it off, you have to make a life change, and you have to commit to eating right and exercising regularly.
  2. Everyone loses weight differently. What works for one person or is written in a book may not work for you. Feel free to switch up your routine until you find something that works for you.
  3. Calories are not the enemy. My nutritionist told me that when he has a client who is working hard and having trouble losing weight, the most common reason is they don’t eat enough calories. Food is not the enemy. Food is fuel! Feed your body the highest quality fuel you can.
  4. Don’t be afraid to live a little. That cookie is OK every once in a while. And if you have it when you want it, it will probably keep you from eating that TIN of cookies when you finally break down.

Here’s a yummy omelet that you can try tomorrow (or tonight if you are a fan of BFD like me!) A morning meal is super important to weight loss. Your body has been starving all night while you sleep. Giving it a healthy meal high in protein will help your body to start burning calories (instead of going into panic mode and hoarding them!)

  • One whole egg
  • One egg white (Y0u can add one extra egg white if you are really hungry. I did this for E yesterday and he was stuffed.)
  • Two TB skim milk
  • One quarter bell pepper diced (any color)
  • Three mushrooms diced
  • 15 leaves of fresh spinach diced
  • 1 slice of skim cheese (optional)
  • Chicken sausage (optional)

I saute my peppers, mushrooms, and spinach until the peppers are soft (5-7 min on medium heat if diced really small). Then I add in the chicken sausage (we buy a brand that comes precooked, so you just need to heat it up). Turn that burner to low to keep your stuffins warm. Combine egg (the yolk is full of good stuff and the cholesterol has been proven to be the healthy variety and one a day is the recommended serving), egg whites, and skim milk in a bowl. Stir, stir, stir. Pour into a nonstick pan (tip if you don’t have an omelet sized pan: I heat the pan up to temperature while I am sauteing the veggies, then pour the eggs slowly on to the already hot pan. The egg starts to cook quickly and won’t run to the edges of my huge frying pan becoming paper thin and impossible to use.) Once you let the eggs set up a little bit, add your cheese (if you like) and the veggies on half of your egg pile. Fold that puppy over. Flippity flop a time or two and BAM! Healthy happy morning omelet.

I know it’s good because E said “wow, I don’t need to put ketchup on this!” and he puts ketchup on EVERYTHING. I hope you enjoy!